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Oasis Villa

Human Rights Special Exhibition

- Curated by the Islands Museum

Distant Green Island Fire Island

It is the place where Taiwanese people sing serenade in memory

It is also the sad place where the political prisoners left unwilling blood and tears

As a Taiwanese, you must know about Taiwan

The Idea team is lucky to be part of this project

​ Curatorial experience unprecedented except in prison

The exhibition hardware should also be combined with the scene#prisonElements

More importantly, we are familiar with the stories of many political prisoners

Everything that is beautiful now is thanks to the blood and hard work of the predecessors


This case is a work of design and creative planning, and is only for the sharing of portfolio cases. The ownership is entirely owned by the owner and co-organizers. Thanks to all the partners who participated in the division of labor, it is specially clarified here.


Museum Curation


Green Island, Taiwan


May, 2015


dry green island so hot

This is the first impression of the curatorial partners on Green Island

Tourist T-shirts from souvenir shops

Lead the work team to depart from the island

The concept of expedition curation is quite novel and interesting

but also challenging

On the outlying islands, there will be more planning errors and contingency

Conservation of the monuments in front of you

Added many more challenges

When I return at night The stars in Green Island are so bright

It also seems to see the ancestors warriors in the sky

Blink, blink, guard this curatorial exhibition on the theme of human rights


​Records and Illuminated Human Rights Beacon

via#Schematic diagram of 3D design effect, we can communicate with the owner without hindrance, and let each other clearly understand the implementation and implementation goals of the discussion meeting. This has become the professional SOP for our idea team and the implementation of the project.

Oasis Villa Human Rights Special Exhibition CF Promotional Video

Exhibition Planning|Zheng Jizhuan

Text Team|Weng Xintong

Film Director|Lu Jingrong

Art Design|cultural age 


Address | No. 22, Zhongcheng St., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (ROC)


Phone | 0986-211-256

| 8244 5190


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