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art curation
Contemporary Art Curation

visual design

Visual Communication Design

Documentary & Photography

edit & publish
Copywriting & Publishing

art curation

Contemporary Art Curation

What was the theme of the most recent exhibition you saw?

Is it at a museum, an art museum, the World Trade Center, a department store, or an alley art gallery?

Curating an exhibition may be much closer to your life than you believe by systematically putting the objects on display to the audience with a sense of beauty.

  • Interior design

  • Motion planning

  • Lighting

  • Interaction

  • Protection

  • Theme

  • Historical research

  • Material collection

  • Guide training

  • Publicity design

For more curated works, please see our  Portfolio page.

​ The curatorial work covers a wide range, so it can be subdivided into three major areas:

A. Literature and history

​B. Art exhibition

​C. Commercial Curation

Curation Plan

Curatorial Planning

- Literature and history exhibition
- Art exhibition

- Commercial exhibition

- Space planning

- Business area design

We will adjust the plans based on the type of exhibitions.
​Space Planning
floor plan, lights, illumination, display, motion, interaction
Professional advisers
scholars, authorities, experts, editors, reviewers, proofreaders
Aesthetic Design
aesthetics, color, light & dark, elements, style, context
Creative ideas
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​ On-site inspection
show area, space, surrounding, traffic, publicity, exposure
Display planning
display, configuration, temperature & humidity, exhibition boards, display cases, multi-media
Implementation plan
engineering, cross-border, matching, ​manufacturing supervision, output, combination
Investigation records
research, historical materials, interviews, collection, protection
Fact sheet
proposal, schedule,
revision, acceptance, report
Kaohsiung Air Force Military Museum
Small-scale curation and adequate space planning are also capabilities of the private and corporate sectors:

A. Theme display

​B. Space Planning

- Art exhibition
- Business exhibition

- Themed space

- Booth display

- LOGO design

​Space Design

interior design

We know...

Do you wish to establish your own business and run a nice modest place where your guests can spend a warm and enjoyable leisure time?

Want to highlight your company's quality so that visitors can quickly identify their favorite products from the display space?

Do you finally have your hideaway after years of hard work and want to make a comfortable home for your family?

​ These wishes are roughly divided into:

>>>commercial space

>>>Exhibition space

>>>Home space

Whatever wish you have, as long as you want to "customize, non-marketing, and narrative," your space dream and conceptual table can be placed on paper through 3D drawing, and your wish will be fulfilled.

For more curated works, please see our  Portfolio page.

Taichung Private Museum Design

Address | No. 22, Zhongcheng St., West Dist., Taichung City 403, Taiwan (ROC)


Phone | 0986-211-256

| 8244 5190


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